Since we founded CytoSport in 1998, we've been dedicated to working with sports scientists, coaches and trainers to redefine protein enhanced products for serious athletes and active lifestyle individuals - supporting performance when it matters.
Over the years, we've expanded to create a comprehensive product line that encompasses the athletic experience from preparation, to hydration, to recovery. Our plant is a NSF International GMP for Sport Registered facility, inspected and regulated by the FDA. We carefully manufacture our powder products onsite at our corporate campus in Benicia, California.
Making efficacious products for athletes and active lifestyle individuals requires responsibility on all fronts. As our business has grown, so has our footprint. We have made environmental sustainability a focus and driver in everyday decision making.
Through it all, CytoSport has been committed to one thing, Building Athletes from the Inside Out.
The CytoSport Team
When Muscle Milk was first introduced, CytoSport scientists attempted to emulate one of nature's most complete and balanced growth promoting foods: human mother's milk. In doing that, Muscle Milk created a new category of protein drinks, while setting a new standard for both taste and performance.
Precision Protein Blend
Muscle milk contains a unique blend of proteins designed to provide essential nutrients to aid exercise recovery and muscle growth.
Slower Digesting Micellar Casein
From calcium sodium caseinate and milk protein isolate
Rapid Releasing Whey
From milk protein isolate, whey protein isolate and concentrate, and whey peptides
Amino Acids
The building blocks of muscle tissue, from complete proteins, amino acids and peptides
Choose The Right Kind of Fat!
The lean lipids used in muscle milk are a blend of canola oil and medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) (See Nutrition Facts panel for fat and saturated fat content).
Saturated Fat
More than 60% from MCTs which are more rapidly burned for energy and are less likely to be stored as body fat than typical fats†
Monounsaturated Fat
From sunflower and canola oils†
Polyunsaturated Fat
From canola and sunflower oils†
Choose Carbohydrate Wisely
Muscle Milk's Carbohydrate Mixture Includes 9 grams of carbohydrates.
Complex Carbohydrates
Long chains of energy supplying glucose
Dietary Fiber
Valuable for intestinal health
Can be used by the body to make glycogen the body's quickly available energy bank
This combination of proteins, fat, and carbohydrates supplies essential nutrients to support your performance and active lifestyle.
†Remaining saturated fat supplied by sunflower oil, cocoa powder (only in chocolate flavors), protein blend, and soy lecithin. Trivial amounts of monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat from cocoa powder (only in chocolate flavors), protein blend, soy lecithin.
*Our products are tested for athletic banned substances in compliance with the NSF International Certified for Sport program, which includes semi-annual facility audits, verifying that no NSF 306-Certification Guideline Annex A List banned substances exist in our facility.